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I migliori episodi delle serie tv andate in onda nel 2019

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Solo qui, su

Gustatevi questo viaggio nei migliori episodi seriali del 2019!

  1. "A God Walk into Abar" - Watchmen

  2. "Hello Elliot" - Mr Robot

  3. "This Extraordinary Being" - Watchmen

  4. "Proxy authentication required" - Mr Robot

  5. "Method not Allowed" - Mr Robot

  6. "whoami" - Mr Robot

  7. "Finish it" - The Deuce

  8. "409 Conflict" - Mr Robot

  9. "This is not for tears" - Succession

  10. "The Long Night" - Game of Thrones

  11. "Twin Cities" - Counterpart

  12. "Exit" - Mr Robot

  13. “The Happines of All Mankind” - Chernobyl

  14. “Open Wild 0 heart” - Chernobyl

  15. "The Face of Depression" - Bojack Horseman

  16. "Hunting" - Succession

  17. "Request Timeout" - Mr Robot

  18. "The Ricklantis Mixup" - Rick & Morty

  19. "Mr Jones" - Peaky Blinders

  20. “Chapter 24” - Legion

  21. "Cibola Burn" - The Expanse

  22. “Please Remain Calm” - Chernobyl

  23. "Little Fear of Lightning" - Watchmen

  24. “Vichnaya Paymat” - Chernobyl

  25. "Saeculum" - The Expanse

  26. “Endings and beginnings” - Dark

  27. "An Almost religious Awe" - Watchmen

  28. “1:23:45” - Chernobyl

  29. "The Interview" - The Morning Show

  30. "4x12" - Gomorra

  31. “Chapter 27” - Legion

  32. “Mayday” - The Handmaid’s Tale

  33. “Episode 2

  34. "Ronny/lily" - Barry

  35. "5.11" - The Affair

  36. "You're mine" - Killing Eve

  37. "2.6" - Fleabag

  38. "Aberfan" - The Crown

  39. "Bells" - Game of Thrones

  40. "Black Cats" - Peaky Blinders

  41. "The Self Preservation Society" - The Boys

  42. “The White Devil” - Dark

  43. “Liars” - The Handmaid’s Tale

  44. “The Battle of Starcourt” - Stranger Things

  45. "The Rickshamp Rickdempion" - Rick & Morty

  46. "Who's Got the pain" - Fosse/Verdon

  47. “Chapter 24” - Legion

  48. "The Hunged Man" - Too Old to die young

  49. "An Horse Walks into rehab" - Bojack Horseman

  50. "Redemption" - The Mandalorian

  51. "Margaretology" - The Crown

  52. "The Calm Before" - The Walking Dead

  53. "Safe Room" - Succession

  54. "The Final Country" - True Detective

  55. "Episode 1" - Years & Years

  56. "Ragnarok" - Vikings

  57. "Alone in this" - Undone

  58. "Part 4" - When they see us

  59. “An Endless Cycle” - Dark

  60. "The Waiting Room" - This Is Us

  61. "The Reckoning" The Mandalorian

  62. "Songbird road - part one" - This Is Us

  63. "4 x 11" - Gomorra

  64. "House on the rock" - American Gods

  65. "Overton Window" - Billions

  66. "The Show Must go on, Probably?" - Barry

  67. " A Knight of the seven kingdoms" - Game of Thrones

  68. "In the Beginning" - Good Omens

  69. "Smell Ya Later" - Killing Eve

  70. "2.5" - Mindhunter

  71. “Shook one” - Euphoria

  72. "Part 6" - Escape at Dannemora

  73. "Pilot" - Doom Patrol

  74. "The Way Out" - Russian Doll

  75. "Mr Greer" - Sorry for your loss

  76. "The Storm" - The Walking Dead

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