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I migliori episodi delle serie tv andate in onda nel 2020

Avete mai provato a stilare una classifica dei migliori episodi seriali dell'anno.

Fidatevi, non fatelo.

E' un lavoro immane, richiede costanza e basta pochissimo per dimenticarsi quale fosse il titolo e il numero dell'episodio che vi aveva lasciato a bocca aperta.

Non perdete ogni speranza voi che entrate.

Ci ho pensato io a colmare questa lacuna e a levarvi d'impaccio.

Vi presento, la classifica (live) dei migliori episodi delle serie tv andate in onda nel 2020.

Reggetevi forte.

  1. Bad Choice Road - Better Call Saul

  2. The Mandalorian - The Rescue

  3. Trouble Don't Last Always - Euphoria

  4. Fairytale - The Crown

  5. The View From Halfway Down - Bojack Horseman

  6. The Tragedy - The Mandalorian

  7. Something Unforgivable - Better Call Saul

  8. Bagman - Better Call Saul

  9. The Jedi - The Mandalorian

  10. Fire Pink - Ozark

  11. Gaugamela - The Expanse

  12. Between the time - Dark

  13. Prisoners of War - Homeland

  14. 1.7 Episode - Devs

  15. The Cabin - This is Us

  16. The Mother of Exiles - Westworld

  17. King of Kings - Vikings

  18. Episode 1.4 - Gangs Of London

  19. Episodio 1.9 - The New Pope

  20. Episode VII - The Last Dance

  21. All In - Ozark

  22. Terra Nullius - The Crown

  23. Infected Memory - Raised By Wolves

  24. What I Know - The Boys

  25. The Hope That Kills You - Ted Lasso

  26. Storia Americana - Fargo

  27. What we're fighting For - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  28. Has I have always been - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  29. Nice While it lasted - Bojack Horseman

  30. Right Here Right Now VII - We Are Who We Are

  31. The Beginning - Raised By Wolves

  32. War - The Crown

  33. The Origin - Dark

  34. Favourites - The Crown

  35. Whever you're ready - The Good Place

  36. The Paradise - Dark

  37. Scancellare - L'amica geniale

  38. The Nadir - Fargo

  39. Chapter 5 - Perry Mason

  40. The Vat of Acid Episode - Rick And Morty

  41. Lost Paradise - Raised By Wolves

  42. JMM - Better Call Saul

  43. Welcome to the Alternate Economy - Fargo

  44. Il corpo - L'amica geniale

  45. Transpose - Tales From The Loop

  46. Episode 2.6 - After Life

  47. Chalke two down - Homeland

  48. Episode X - The Last Dance

  49. La fata blu - L'amica geniale

  50. The Last Act - Vikings

  51. Tbe Missing - The Undoing

  52. Ego Death - I May Destroy you

  53. Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker - The Boys

  54. The Diamond Dogs - Ted Lasso

  55. Alex - Criminal

  56. Star Mort - The return of the Jerry - Rick And Morty

  57. Make Rebecca Great Again - Ted Lasso

  58. BFF - Ozark

  59. Fagan - The Crown

  60. End Game - The Queen's Gambit

  61. Rewind 1921 - Lovecraft Country

  62. The Boy - Dispatches From Elsewhere

  63. A Dark Quiet death - Mithyc Quest: Raven's Banquet

  64. Duo - Little Fires Everywhere

  65. Magic Man - Better Call Saul

  66. Right Here Right Now VI - We Are Who We Are

  67. Episode 1.10 - Normal People

  68. Chapter 4 - Perry Mason

  69. Houston - Mrs America

  70. Six - I know this is much true

  71. Are you leading or Am I? - Killing Eve

  72. The Birthplace of Civilization - Fargo

  73. Regere - Romulus

  74. Up & Down 6 Everything in between - Kidding

  75. Shalom Motherfurcker - Hunters

  76. Meatballs at the Dacha - The Great

  77. The Gang Offends Everyone - The Good Fight

  78. Xerox of a Xerox - Bojack Horseman

  79. Decoherence - Westworld

  80. Stasis - Tales From The Loop

  81. The Ballad of the lonesome loser - High Fidelity

  82. Rattlestar Ricklactica - Rick And Morty

  83. 1.3 Episode - Devs

  84. Il tradimento - L'amica geniale

  85. The English Teacher - Homeland

  86. Forty: Part Two - This Is Us

  87. Whities on the moon - Lovecraft Country

  88. Life & Death - Dark

  89. The Balmoral Test - The Crown

  90. Raised By Wolves - Raised By Wolves

  91. Episode 1.5 - Gangs Of London

  92. Right Here Right Now IV - We Are Who We Are

  93. Edge of Tomorty - Rick and Morty

  94. Sandeep - Criminal

  95. Exchanges - The Queen's Gambit

  96. The end of something - The Umbrella Academy

  97. Pilot - Lovecraft Country

  98. Danielle - Criminal

  99. Save Epsilon 6 - Space Force

  100. The Bloody Doors Off - The Boys

  101. Episodio 2.7 - Sex Education

  102. Colin's promotion - What we do in the shadows

  103. Gold Stick - The Crown

  104. The Other Side of the Rock - High Fidelity

  105. The Sheriff - The Mandalorian

  106. EpisodeVIII - The Last Dance

  107. Episode VII - The Last Dance

  108. Chapter 6 - Perry Mason

  109. Episode 1.2 - Gangs Of London

  110. Chalke one up - Homeland

  111. The Puppet Dalai Lama - Kidding

  112. Home - Tales From The Loop

  113. Picture Perfect - Little Fires Everywhere

  114. Episodio 1 - The New Pope

  115. Are you from Pinner? - Killing Eve

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